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The Funny World of Lucy, Volume 1 (1997) HD Español

Sinopsis - Información:

Esta gran historia llena de entresijos llamada The Funny World of Lucy, Volume 1 empieza se la siguiente manera... In THE FUNNY WORLD OF LUCY, you'll hear in Lucy's own words how she went from a school girl in Jamestown, N. Y., to a Hollywood starlet. You'll see Lucy in some of her earliest films and hear what it was like to work with the Marx Brothers in ROOM SERVICE. You're invited for one of TV's most historic moments, "the birth of Little Ricky". Learn how Lucy's career almost came to an end when she was branded as a "communist". It's all here -including Lucy & Desi in the movies LONG, LONG TRAILER and FOREVER DARLING. You'll also see rare television guest appearances on TOAST OF THE TOWN, I'VE GOT A SECRET, and more. You'll watch as DESILU Productions buys the very studio Lucy started out in. It's all here; enjoy the incredible, fun filled adventures of our favorite redhead. Join Lucy, Desi, Fred & Ethel in this unique one of a kind collection.. Para ver de manera online The Funny World of Lucy, Volume 1 te recomendamos plataformas como HBO Max, Netflix, Primevideo, Disney + o Filmin, de otra manera puedes usar programas como utorrent, torrent o qbittorrent o mirarla en diferentes página como repelis, pelis24, elitetorrent o dontorrent. La fecha en la que salió de cara al público The Funny World of Lucy, Volume 1 online fue el 1997-01-01 y su duración en minutos es 0.

Actores principales:

Lucille Ball y Desi Arnaz