Убиство с предумишљајем HD Español

themoviedb icon 8.6/10

Убиство с предумишљајем (1995) HD Español

Sinopsis - Información:

Esta gran historia llena de entresijos llamada Убиство с предумишљајем empieza se la siguiente manera... Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogdan, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic triangle involving her effete and well-educated husband and an uneducated major, a Chekist who has, perhaps, the power to save a political prisoner who is the grandmother's friend. As Jelena wonders which man was her grandfather (the Chekist or the husband), Bogdan recovers from his wounds and must decide whether to return to the front. Jelena pleads; duty calls.. Para ver de manera online Убиство с предумишљајем te recomendamos plataformas como HBO Max, Netflix, Primevideo, Disney + o Filmin, de otra manera puedes usar programas como utorrent, torrent o qbittorrent o mirarla en diferentes página como repelis, pelis24, elitetorrent o dontorrent. La fecha en la que salió de cara al público Убиство с предумишљајем online fue el 1995-11-15 y su duración en minutos es 94.


Slobodan Selenić


Gorčin Stojanović

Actores principales:

Dragan Mićanović , Sergej Trifunović y Branka Katić