NERVE HD Español

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themoviedb icon 4.8/10

Nerve (2013) HD Español

Sinopsis - Información:

Esta gran historia llena de entresijos llamada Nerve empieza se la siguiente manera... Jakob Evans suffers an emotional breakdown after the death of his wife in a car accident. His loss and pain runs deep as he claims to have found her in bed with another man just before she died. Unable to accept her death and her infidelity, Jakob decides his only chance at closure is to find the man she was sleeping with to help him comprehend what they shared. With the help of Grace, a promiscuous and troubled girl, Jakob starts to put together the pieces of the puzzle and track down his wife's lover.. Para ver de manera online Nerve te recomendamos plataformas como HBO Max, Netflix, Primevideo, Disney + o Filmin, de otra manera puedes usar programas como utorrent, torrent o qbittorrent o mirarla en diferentes página como repelis, pelis24, elitetorrent o dontorrent. La fecha en la que salió de cara al público Nerve online fue el 2013-06-12 y su duración en minutos es 85.


Sarah Smith y Sebastien Guy


Sebastien Guy

Actores principales:

Sara Wiseman , Gary Sweet y Cameron Daddo