themoviedb icon 5/10

Jaloux (2010) HD Español

Sinopsis - Información:

Esta gran historia llena de entresijos llamada Jaloux empieza se la siguiente manera... Thomas and Marianne, a feuding couple whose relationship has hit a wall, decide to spend a weekend at Thomas' uncle's lakeside cottage. This is their last chance to save their relationship, which has been jeopardized by Marianne's meaningless flirtations and Thomas' uncontrollable jealousy. As they arrive, a restless yet charming neighbor welcomes them into their house and, realizing that Thomas' uncle and girlfriend will not be showing up for days, suggests they share the dinner he has prepared. The drunken night that follows - with this man, who might not be who he seems to be, pushing his charms on Marianne - leads to a weekend of blurred emotions and events, where loyalties, guilt and a shared secret will test the young couple's ability to survive.. Para ver de manera online Jaloux te recomendamos plataformas como HBO Max, Netflix, Primevideo, Disney + o Filmin, de otra manera puedes usar programas como utorrent, torrent o qbittorrent o mirarla en diferentes página como repelis, pelis24, elitetorrent o dontorrent. La fecha en la que salió de cara al público Jaloux online fue el 2010-07-09 y su duración en minutos es 95.


Patrick Demers

Actores principales:

Benoît Gouin , Sophie Cadieux y Maxime Denommée