Lugar y fecha de nacimiento: Adolf Hitler nació tal día como Apr 20, 1889 y el lugar en el su madre le dió a luz fue la gran ciudad de Braunau am Inn, Austria
Última aparición: Su último trabajo en el mundo del cine ha sido Blondi tal día como 2026
Primera aparición: La primera vez vimos a Adolf Hitler en el mundo del cine fue con una puesta en escena magnífica para Fils de Punk el día que tuvimos esa gran suerte en la que nos mostró sus grandes dotes de actuación fue
Créditos Películas/Series: Que tengamos conocimiento Adolf Hitler ha trabajado hasta la fecha en un total de 205 proyecto en el mundo del cine y la televisión
Blondi Himself2026
I 600 giorni di Salò Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2026
Fils de Punk Self (archive footage)2024-02-16
Einstein y la bomba Self (archive footage)2024-03-09
JAWS OF HELL Self (archive footage)2024-02-20
Blackbox Ukraine: Kampf um die Geschichte Self (archive footage)2024-03-14
Escuadrón maldito Self - Leader of the Nazis (archive footage)2024-09-25
Megalópolis Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2024-06-05
Apocalypse, Les débarquements Self (archive footage)2024-06-05
Hitler y los nazis: La maldad a juicio Self (archive footage)2024-05-29
La sombra del comandante Self (archive footage)2023-01-31
Searching for Halifax NP711 Self (archive footage)2023-01-27
La película perdida de Núremberg Self - Politician (archive footage)2023-01-01
Hitler: The Making of a Monster Self (archive footage)2023-02-21
Apocalipsis: El crepúsculo de Hitler Self (archive footage)2023-01-13
The Hitler Home Movies Self (archive footage)2023-09-14
The Mistake that Killed Hitler Self (archive footage)2023-10-05
Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on The Exorcist Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2023-11-15
Un écrivain dans l'enfer nazi : « Les Bienveillantes » de Jonathan Littell Self - Politician (archive footage)2023-04-07
LOLA Self - Politician (archive footage)2023-07-09
Oppenheimer: el dilema de la bomba atómica Self (archive footage)2023-06-01
And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine Self (archive footage)2023-06-28
Eldorado: Todo lo que odian los nazis Self (archive footage)2022-01-01
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War II Self (archive footage)2022-09-27
Ámsterdam Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2022-01-19
Die Wannseekonferenz - Die Dokumentation Self (archive footage)2022-08-29
Natsi-Saksa ja Suomi Self (archive footage)2022-10-20
La marcha sobre Roma Self - Politician (archive footage)2021-04-29
Eine Familie unterm Hakenkreuz Self - Politician (archive footage)2021-04-07
Exterminad a todos los salvajes Self (archive footage)2021-02-01
Le Parti du cinéma Self (archive footage)2021-01-01
족벌: 두 신문 이야기 Self (archive footage)2021-05-03
Albert Speer und der Traum von Hollywood Himself (archive footage)2021-03-14
El catálogo Göring: una colección de arte y de sangre Self - Politician (archive footage)2021-05-02
Hitler's Secret Sex Life Self (archive footage)2021-06-01
Parsifal: The Hidden Causes of World War II Self (archive footage)2021-11-15
Django & Django Self - Politician (archive footage)2021-12-10
Belgique nazie Self (archive footage)2021-10-11
Apocalipsis: Hitler ataca Europa Occidental (1940) Self (archive footage)2021-10-18
Apocalipsis: Hitler ataca el Este (1941-1943) Self (archive footage)2021-07-09
Cómo se convirtieron en tiranos Self (archive footage)2021-09-24
Campo secreto: Nazis en EE. UU. Himself (archive footage and pictures)2021-08-13
Anotaciones sobre Hitler Self (archive footage)2020-03-18
Crazy, Not Insane Self (archive footage)2020-04-05
Goering, l'homme de fer Self (archive footage)2020-01-29
El hombre más peligroso de Europa: Otto Skorzeny en España Self - Politician (archive footage)2020-02-21
Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations Self (archive footage)2020-06-19
Uncle Tom Self (archive footage)2020-12-12
Congrès de Tours. 1920 : La Naissance des deux gauches Self (archive footage)2020-10-22
Leni Riefenstahl – Das Ende eines Mythos Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2020-11-13
Palabras para un fin del mundo Self - Politician (archive footage)2020-12-20
Les Monarchies face à Hitler Self (archive footage)2020-10-22
#UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump Self (archive footage)2019-05-25
Sciences nazies : la race, le sol et le sang Self - Politician (archive footage)2019-05-28
Storm Front in Mayo Self - Politician (archive footage)2019-05-09
Apotheosis Of Evil Self (archive footage)2019-01-02
Le Pacte Hitler-Staline : autopsie d'un cataclysme Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2019-07-12
Grandes acontecimientos de la II Guerra Mundial en color Self (archive footage)2019-05-05
D-Day: El rey que engañó a Hitler Self - Führer und Reichskanzler (archive footage)2019-08-09
La Familia Self (archive footage)2019-11-19
Berlin und Brandenburg unterm Hakenkreuz Self (archive footage)2019-11-21
Allen tegen allen Self (archive footage)2019-11-23
Winter Journey Self - Politician (archive footage)2019-07-14
L'Homme a mangé la Terre Self (archive footage)2019-10-18
Jojo Rabbit Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2019-08-31
Polen 39: Wie deutsche Soldaten zu Mördern wurden Self - Politician (archive footage)2019-08-27
Vida oculta Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2019-08-27
Drôle de guerre Self - Politician (archive footage)2018-02-20
La causa contra Franco Self (archive footage)2018-01-24
Le Manuscrit sauvé du KGB Self - Politician (archive footage)2018-03-20
Le Mystère de la mort d'Hitler Self (archive footage)2018-01-26
Dirty Money Self (archive footage)2018-05-23
En pocas palabras Self (archive footage)2018-06-15
Chavismo: La peste del siglo XXI Self (archive footage)2018-07-05
La casa de Jack Self (archival footage) (uncredited)2018-05-28
Drenar los océanos Self (archive footage)2018-06-06
Bombshell: la historia de Hedy Lamarr Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2017-04-10
Hitler und die Kinder vom Obersalzberg Self (archive footage)2017-03-23
La carta secreta Self (archive footage)2017-01-01
Dawn of the Nazis Self (archive footage)2017-06-14
Cinecittà Babilonia: sesso, droga e camicie nere Self - Politician (archive footage)2017-01-06
German Concentration Camps Factual Survey Self (archive footage)2017-02-23
El Hollywood de Hitler Self - Politician (archive footage)2017-04-26
Django Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2017-11-22
El instante más oscuro Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2017-06-18
Alien, Baby! Himself (archive footage)2017-12-30
Richard Sorge - Stalins James Bond Self - Politician (archive footage)2017-12-18
Agnelli Self (archive footage)2017-10-19
Las crónicas de Hitler Self (archive footage)2017-09-20
Hitler et Churchill : le combat de l'aigle et du lion Self - Politician (archive footage)2017-07-12
Europa: The Last Battle Self (archive footage)2017-08-28
100 Jahre UFA - Maschinenraum des deutschen Films Self - Politician (archive footage)2017-09-17
La Guerra de Vietnam Self - Politician (archive footage)2016-01-08
Royal Wives at War Self (archive footage)2016-11-25
Asesinar a Franco: la resistencia contra un dictador Self (archive footage)2016-03-27
Nuestro espía en casa de Hitler Self (archive footage)2016-11-14
La Passeuse des Aubrais, 1942 Self - Politician (archive footage)2016-08-23
Los juegos de Hitler: Berlín 1936 Self (archive footage)2015-05-24
La paz salvaje Self (archive footage)2015-01-30
Laissez-faire Self (archive footage)2015-05-04
Objetivo Bakú: cómo Hitler perdió la guerra del petroleo Self (archive footage)2015-06-30
Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt Self - Politician (archive footage)2015-12-18
The Day Hitler Died Self (archive footage)2015-11-02
L'Affaire Jack King Self - Politician (archive footage)2015-08-06
Deux bombes pour une espionne Self (archive footage)2015-08-12
Unity Self (archive footage)2014-02-10
Collaborations Self (archive footage)2014-04-04
Ilusión Nacional Self (archive footage)2014-05-07
New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor Self (archive footage)2014-11-19
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick Self - Führer und Reichskanzler (archive footage)2014-10-20
Winston Churchill : Un géant dans le siècle Self (archive footage)2014-06-04
Apocalipsis: El desembarco de Normandía Self (archive footage)2013-01-01
Hitler's 9/11 Self (archive footage)2013-02-14
Propaganda Self (archive footage)2013-07-10
رضا شاه Self (archive footage)2013-02-18
A Talking Cat!?! Archive Footage2013-09-08
Hitler's Rise: The Colour Films Self (archive footage)2013-09-18
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told Self (archive footage2013-05-03
El hombre que estaba allí Self - Politician (archive footage)2012-01-02
Jesse Owens Self (archive footage)2012-11-12
La historia no contada de los Estados Unidos Self (archive footage)2012-11-12
La historia no contada de los Estados Unidos Self (archive footage)2012-04-13
Nazi Titanic Self (archive footage)2012-11-26
Hitler's Girl Self (archive footage)2011-06-07
L'Occupation intime Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2011-02-07
Reagan Self (archive footage)2011-10-11
Mentiras verdaderas Self (archive footage)2011-09-26
180: Cambiando el corazon de una Nacion Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2011-10-25
Apocalipsis: El ascenso de Hitler Self (archive footage)2011-11-11
Führer Cult and Megalomania Self (archive footage)2010-02-12
Hitler's bodyguard Self (archive footage)2010-05-01
Albert Camus en Menorca Self (archive footage)2010-09-19
The Battle of Britain Self (archive footage)2010-06-10
BloodRayne 3: El tercer Reich Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2009-03-26
Hired Gun Self (archive footage)2009-04-08
Hitler y Stalin: Retrato de una enemistad Self (archive footage)2009-10-16
Hollywood contra Franco Self (archive footage)2009-10-21
Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama Self (archive footage)2009-09-04
La II Guerra Mundial en color Self (archive footage)2009-10-11
Wer hat Angst vor Wilhelm Reich? Self (archive footage)2009-09-08
Apocalipsis: La Segunda Guerra Mundial Self (archive footage)2008-01-13
The Path To Nazi Genocide Self (Archive Footage)2008-09-29
Dark Fellowships: The Vril Self (archive footage)2008-04-09
Padomju stāsts Self (archive footage)2008-07-14
El ultimátum de Hitler2008-11-12
12 años sin piedad - La Serie Self (archive footage)2007-01-11
Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra Self (archive footage)2007-01-07
Warlords (archive footage)2007-02-10
Slipstream Adolf Hitler (archive footage)2007-05-10
Hitler: The Comedy Years Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2007-11-06
Eva Braun ou la banalité du mal Self (archive footage)2007-05-28
Star Wars: El legado Self (archive footage)2007-10-17
Hitler und Mussolini - Eine brutale Freundschaft Self (archive footage)2007-06-01
Sputnik Mania Self (archive footage)2006-01-01
Exploring Hitler's Mountain Self (archive footage)2006-11-03
Sonderauftrag Führermuseum Self (archive footage)2006-01-01
Die Chroniken des Adolf Hitler Self (archive footage)2006-01-01
El Fascismo en Color Self (archive footage)2005-08-12
El gran rescate Self (archive footage)2005-02-16
Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis Self (archive footage)2005-04-30
Hitler in Colour Self (archive footage)2005-04-05
The Adventures of Errol Flynn Self (archive footage)2004-04-01
Hitler-Deutschland in Farbe Self (archive footage)2004-09-30
Die NSDAP Self (archive footage)2004-12-25
Hitler - Frontsoldat im ersten Weltkrieg Self (archive footage)2004-08-27
Hitler & Stalin: Roots of Evil Self (archive footage)2004-06-17
The Hidden Führer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality Self (archive footage)2003-01-01
Stalin: Man of Steel Self (archive footage)2003-09-20
Elephant Self (archive footage)(uncredited)2003-09-10
La corporación Self (archive footage)2003-12-12
Beyond the Movie: The Return of the King Self (archive footage)2002-02-10
La Secretaria de Hitler: El ángulo muerto Self (archive footage)2002-06-18
:03 from Gold Self (archive footage)2002-10-09
Bowling for Columbine Self (archive footage)2002-09-02
Naqoyqatsi Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2002-02-14
The Tramp and the Dictator Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2001-12-23
Beyond the Movie: The Fellowship of the Ring Self (archive footage)2001-05-21
Pearl Harbor Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2001-04-25
Hitlers Frauen Self (archive footage)1995-03-18
Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1995-09-29
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie Self (archive footage)1994-11-06
In Search of Dr. Seuss Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1982-10-27
As de ases Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1980-03-07
El barco de la muerte Self (archive footage)1977-03-31
La larga noche de la Gestapo Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1977-01-01
Wienfilm 1896-1976 Self (archive footage)1977-02-09
Los hechiceros de la guerra (Wizards) Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1977-08-12
Mañana me despertaré y me escaldaré con té Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1975-03-01
The black Gestapo Self (archive footage)1973-04-19
Hitler: los diez últimos días Adolf Hitler (archive footage) (uncredited)1968-11-20
Un mur à Jérusalem Self (archive footage)1968-09-16
Flickorna Self (archive footage)1962-04-25
All'armi siam fascisti! Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1949-06-03
Distant Journey Self - Politician (archive footage)1948-05-15
Will It Happen Again? Self (archive footage)1947-09-26
Monsieur Verdoux Self (archive footage)1943-04-29
Misión en Moscú Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1942-12-25
Reunión en Francia Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1940-03-23
Band Waggon Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1940-08-31
Tren nocturno a Múnich Himself (archive footage)1939-05-06
Confesiones de un espía nazi Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1939-06-01
The Four Just Men Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1939-10-28
Los violentos años veinte Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1939-10-07
Hitler: Beast of Berlin Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1935-03-28
El triunfo de la voluntad Self